5 Days Down

So I am now 5 days into my injections and my dosage has reduced from 300 IUI / ml to 225 IUI / ml. The injections have been fine I still do not feel comfortable enough to do them myself but Nikki has been doing them so well and I have barely felt any of them. My left hand side is definitely my better side, I cannot feel it at all on my left! I have suffered from severe lethargy since starting my injections and from about 3pm onwards I feel like I am just going to dose off. Time seems to have flown this week and it won’t be long till I go for my next scan on Tuesday where I will hopefully get a date for my egg collection!

So for all the couples who are starting IVF treatment I thought I would show you the step by step process of preparing the injections in pictures (pretty naff pictures) but hopefully it will help –

Step 1 –


This shows everything that you need to do the injection:
1x Syringe, 1x Long needle for mixing drugs (NOT for injection!!), 2x Fostimon Vials, 1x Water, 1x Small Needle (for Injection), 1x Plastic Cap (for breaking glass water bottle)

Step 2 – Break off the glass water bottle using plastic cap. Remove water using syringe with the long needle attached.


Step 3 – Syringe water into Fostimon vial no. 1.


Step 4 – Tip vial up and remove all liquid and powder using syringe.


Step 5 – Then syringe this fluid into vial no. 2 and remove all liquid once again so as you have mixed all powder with the water.


Step 6 – Now place on the small needle and you are ready to inject.


I did not want to include a picture of me injecting as I know some people can be very squeamish when it comes to injections. But I will be happy to do a blog post on this if anyone requests one and would find this useful. The picture of the small needle isn’t very clear but this needle is absolutely minute I cannot feel it going in or out at all!

I hope this blog post has been useful and sorry for not posting a blog for a couple of days, I have been falling asleep the minute I walk in the door from work it must be the Fostimon causing this!